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Update #3 on Lisa Knies

Filed under: — jen d @ 4:12 pm

Many of you have probably received this e-mail from Lisa recently:

Dear family and friends:

Many weeks have passed since I have been able to send out an update, but since my surgery I have had very limited access to email. Recently, the internet program that I have had access to for email has not allowed me to send email regularly. In the meantime many have asked for more specific details, so I am sorry that I couldn’t get more information out. I appreciate those who still prayed for me anyway.

Since being discharged, I have just been taking everything slowly during my recovery. It’s to the point now where I notice the little improvements each day. The day before Thanksgiving, I received a call from my neurosurgeon’s assistant to tell me that my second surgery will be Friday, December 17th. The surgery is only scheduled for half the time as the first surgery, so it is expected that this upcoming surgery won’t be nearly as extensive since it is to remove just the small remaining part of the tumor. I’m praying that means that my stay in the hospital and my recovery then will not be as long.

All of my doctors released me to go to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. Since I wasn’t allowed to fly and my endurance wasn’t strong enough to drive 7 hours alone to Milwaukee, I took Amtrak. It was a relaxing trip and I was even more pleased that it only cost $45, a great deal considering that’s cheaper than what I would have had to pay in gas for my car. I’m thankful that I can finish my recovery here in Wisconsin. Please pray that I would be strong again for this upcoming surgery. Thanks for all your prayers!

Thank you to Joy, as well, who forwarded me a similar update on the situation last week (I got both e-mails within a few hours of each other, I think, but didn’t have time to post before the weekend :o)

Lisa, we’re glad you’re doing well! Keep us posted!

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