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More Faces for Names: Introducing the Edmondsons

Filed under: — jen d @ 3:47 pm

Here is a recent picture of my Pastor’s family (or, at least, part of it). The old, bearded man is Pastor Bill. The pretty, much younger-looking woman is his charming wife, Deb. The tall, handsome, still younger man is Dave, their youngest son (the two older brothers are long gone and married; I’ve never met them, but I’m sure they’re as great as the rest of the Edmondsons). And last, but certainly not least, is the baby of the family, Linda. She is delightful, and always invites me for Sunday lunch, even when her parents don’t ;o)

These are great people. Pray for them!

Even in the Breakdown Lane

Filed under: — jen d @ 10:38 am

It was one just of those weekends. We’ve all had them. Some more than others, and some to greater extents. At any rate, we can all relate to those days, weeks, months, in which it seems nothing will jive, when life has cosmically alligned the great bulk of the month’s responsabilities with a series curve balls and minor, but time-consuming inconveniences to converge on one important weekend. And even though you volunteered yourself for most of those responsabilities, you didn’t see it coming. It hits you hard, several times, sqaure in the nose, until it runs out of destructible tissue and decides to attack your ears, eyes, jaw bone… When it decides you’re almost beyond suffering, it comes in for a final blow to the temple, but by then you’re not really feeling it anymore.

My temple blow came last night on my way home from our Sunday evening Bible studies, in the form of a red battery light on my dashboard, a rather unorthodox “clunk” under my hood, and an overheated engine. We were in Allston, at that point. The tow cost 150 smackers. (more…)

Update #2 on Lisa Knies

Filed under: — jen d @ 9:36 am

Well, Lisa is out of the hospital, as many of you already know. It sounds as though she’s doing very well, but will need another, smaller surgery at some point in the future to remove a small remnant from the tumor. For those of you who did not receive her e-mail on the subject, I’ve included it below. (more…)

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