boston commoner.
welcome home



Filed under: — jen d @ 4:17 pm

I haven’t seen my poor little apartment all week. I have been home helping my mom, who has her own busy schedule at this time of year, by watching my younger brother in the evenings. It doesn’t make sense to go back to Boston just to sleep and wake and come back here at 8am, so I’ve been sleeping here, instead. Saves gas money and morning aggrevation. Kind of. Anyway, a couple of days ago I caught the tail-end of a news report about an apartment building that burnt down in Boston since I’ve been away. I seriously wondered for a while if it was my building. I’m still not sure it wasn’t. If it were, it would make last weekend’s fiasco look like a walk in the park. But we’ll cross that bridge if we come to it…

Anyway, it looks like another busy weekend. ‘Tis the season. As for now, I miss my coffee maker and my freezer, which is literally half full of brick-sized bags of Starbucks coffee beans of various blends and varieties (Verona being my favorite. Very yummy with dark chocolate…) These bags o’ beans were free, and while I’m enjoying them, I can’t help but think of the source when I go to grind a handful… One of my dad’s clients unloaded about 15 pounds of these precious caffeinated nuggets on him, knowing that he (and his daughter) are serious coffee drinkers. The explanation being that the client’s x-husband was the coffee drinker in the family, and said client is now determined to put her freezer to better use. Sad, but true. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, I guess… Since I’ve got the grinder, I snagged all of the whole beans. So, there you go.
I’m sorry for the fuzzy thoughts. I’m Thursday-tired, whatever that really (yawn) means. 54 minutes to go…

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